孙卫东2017-03-12 12:02
男,研究员,1966年出生。中国科学院海洋研究所深海研究中心研究员,百人计划、杰青。共发表论文260余篇,其中SCI收录论文180余篇,SCI他引3500余次,H因子38,入选ESI高引用率排名。入选(国际)经济地质学家学会Fellow, 曾任该学会负责亚洲事务的副主席(2010-2013);曾任(国际)地球化学学会戈尔德施密特奖评委(2012-2015)、IODP 技术委员会委员、科学委员会评委。现任矿物岩石地球化学学会同位素专业委员会主任;创办Solid EarthSciences,任主编,任Acta Geochimica常务副主编、GCA及《地球化学》副主编。 l 研究领域 主要利用地球化学手段研究地质事件和成矿过程,重点从事板块俯冲工场、元素地球化学性质与成矿规律研究,在俯冲过程中元素地球化学行为、太平洋板块漂移历史、氧逸度与斑岩矿床成矿机理等方面有重要贡献。 l 承担的主要科研项目 主持完成基金委重大项目、杰出青年项目、中科院创新工程重大项目及仪器研发项目、国家973二级课题等。正在主持科技部深部研发专项、中国科学院战略性先导专项(B类)项目和基金委创新群体项目、仪器研发项目、重点项目等。 l 研究成果及奖励 主要利用地球化学手段研究地质事件和成矿过程,重点从事板块俯冲工场、元素地球化学性质与成矿规律研究。 1) 发现铼在陆相岛弧火山岩中具有挥发性,修正了其陆壳丰度,解决了“铼钇悖论”,文章2003年以第一作者发表发现在Nature上,受到国际同行的高度评价; 2) 发现磁铁矿结晶对氧逸度和铜金性质的控制,被国际同行称为“磁铁矿危机”,该成果2004年以第一作者论文在Nature发表后,带动了矿床地球化学界研究岛弧岩浆磁铁矿结晶与成矿关系的热潮; 3) 厘定了矿化剂硫、氯的地球化学行为与成矿,揭示了高氧逸度控制斑岩铜金成矿的机理和最佳成矿条件; 4) 发现铌钽钛等传统上认为最不活动的元素,在板块俯冲过程中十分活动,解决了“铌钽悖论”,进而为揭示大陆地壳成因提供了关键制约; 5) 通过铌铀等元素地球化学研究提出并论证了地幔柱成因的新模型; 6) 首次综合利用微量元素和矿物包裹体准确限定锆石年龄的地质意义,测定了南秦岭同碰撞型花岗岩的年龄,限定了华南华北间地缝合线的位置; 7) 解析了板块俯冲与中国东部中生代以来重要地质事件的内在联系,发现太平洋漂移方向多次大的转变对应中国东部重要的地质事件,提出长江中下游大规模成矿与洋脊俯冲有关。 l 获奖及荣誉 2016年入选百千万人才国家级人选领军人才 2013年入选广东省“南粤百杰” 2010年参与获得国家自然科学二等奖(排名第四) 2009年获得政府津贴 2009年获得中科院“朱李月华优秀教师奖” 2008年获得安徽省科学技术一等奖(排名第三) 2008年获广州教育基地2007-2008年度优秀研究生导师称号 2007年入选“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选 2006年获得“侯德封岩石矿物地球化学青年科学家奖” 2005年获得国家杰出青年基金 2004年12月入选中国科学院“引进国外杰出人才计划” 2003年3月获得德国洪堡基金会的资助,以“洪堡研究员”身份在马普化学所从事研究 1997年获得安徽省“品学兼优毕业生”称号 1991年获得“中国科学技术大学优秀毕业生”称号
l 代表性论文及著作 代表作 1. Sun, W. D., Williams, I.S., Li,S. G. Carboniferous and Triassic eclogites in the western Dabie Mountains,east-central China: evidence for protracted convergence of the North and SouthChina Blocks. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 20 (2002), 873-886. 2. Sun, W. D., Arculus, R. J., Kamenetsky, V. S., Binns, R.A. Release of gold-bearing fluids in convergent margin magmas prompted by magnetitecrystallization. Nature, 431.7011(2004) , 975-978. 3. Sun, W. D.,Xie, Z., Chen, J. F., Zhang, X., Chai, Z. F., Du,A. D., Zhao, J. S., Zhang, C. H., Zhou, T. F. Os-Os dating for copper and molybdenum oredeposits along the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River, China. EconomicGeology, 98(1) (2003), 175-180. 4. Sun,W. D.,Bennett, V.C., Eggins, S.M.,Kamenetsky, V.S., Arculus, R.J.Enhanced mantle-to-crust rheniumtransfer in undegassed arc magmas. Nature, 422. 6929 (2003), 294-297. 5. Sun, W. D., Binns, R. A., Fan, A. C., Kamenetsky, V. S., Wysoczanski,R., Wei, G. J., Hu, Y. H., Arculus, R. J. Chlorine in submarine volcanicglasses from the eastern Manus basin. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 71(6) (2007), 1542-1552. 6. Sun, W. D., Ding, X., Hu, Y. H., Li, X. H. The golden transformationof the Cretaceous plate subduction in the west Pacific. Earth and PlanetaryScience Letters, 262(3-4) (2007), 533-542. (ESI过去十年高引用率论文) 7. Sun,W. D., Hu, Y. H., Kamenetsky, V. S., Eggins, S. M.,Chen, M., Arculus, R. J. Constancy of Nb/U in the mantle revisited. Geochimica EtCosmochimica Acta, 72 (2008),3542-3549. 8. Sun, W. D., Ling, M. X., Yang, X.Y., Fan, W. M., Ding, X., Liang, H. Y. Ridge subduction and porphyrycopper-gold mineralization: An overview. ScienceChina Earth Sciences, 53(4) (2010), 475-484. (ESI过去十年高引用率论文) 9. Sun, W. D., Liang, H.Y., Ling,M.X., Zhan, M.Z., Ding, X., Zhang, H., Yang, X.Y., Li, Y.L., Ireland, T.R.,Wei, Q.R., Fan, W.M. The link between reduced porphyry copper deposits andoxidized magmas. Geochimica EtCosmochimica Acta, 103(2013), 263-275.(ESI过去十年高引用率论文) 10. Sun, W. D., Huang, R.F., Li, H., Hu, Y.B.,Zhang, C.C., Sun, S.J., Zhang, L.P., Ding, X., Li, C.Y., Zartman, R.E., Ling,M.X. Porphyry deposits and oxidized magmas. Ore Geology Reviews, 65(2015), 97-131.(ESI过去十年高引用率论文)
2016年 1. Sun, W. D., Wang, J. T., Zhang,L. P., Zhang, C. C., Li, H., Ling, M. X., Ding, X., Li, C. Y., Liang, H. Y. Theformation of porphyry copper deposits. ActaGeochimica, (2016a),1-7. DOI 10.1007/s11631-016-0132-4. 2. Sun, W.D., Li, C.Y., Hao, X.L.,Ling, M.X., Ireland, T., Ding, X., Fan, W.M. Oceanic Anoxic Events, SubductionStyle and Molybdenum Mineralization. SolidEarth Sciences, 1(2016b), 64-73. 10.1016/j.sesci.2015.1011.1001. 3. Sun, W.D., Zhang, L.P., Guo, J.,Li, C.Y., Jiang, Y.H., Zartman, R.E., Zhang, Z.F. Origin of the mysteriousYin-Shang bronzes in China indicated by lead isotopes. Scientific reports, 6(2016c). Doi 10.1038/Srep23304. 4. Huang, R.F., Sun, W.D.,Liu, J.Z., Ding, X., Peng, S.B., Zhan, W.H., 2016. The H-2/CH4 ratio duringserpentinization cannot reliably identify biological signatures. Scientific reports, 6(2016c). Doi10.1038/Srep33821. (通讯作者) 5. Li, C.Y., Zhang, R.Q., Ding, X., Ling, M.X., Fan, W.M., Sun, W.D. Dating cassiteriteusing laser ablation ICP-MS. Ore GeologyReviews, 72(2016), 313-322.(通讯作者) 6. Chen,Y.X., Li, H., Sun, W.D.,Ireland, T., Tian, X.F., Hu, Y.B., Yang,W.B.,Chen,C.,Xu, D.R. Generation of LateMesozoic Qianlishan A 2-type granite in Nanling Range, South China:Implications for Shizhuyuan W–Sn mineralization and tectonic evolution. Lithos, (2016).待刊. (通讯作者) 7. Zhang,R.Q., Lu, J.J., Lehmann, B., Li, C. Y., Li, G.L., Zhang, L.P., Guo, J., Sun, W.D.Combined zircon andcassiterite U–Pb dating of the Piaotanggranite-related tungsten–tin deposit,southern Jiangxi tungsten district, China. Ore Geology Reviews,(2016).待刊.(通讯作者) 8. Yan,S., Niu, H. C., Zhao, J. X., Bao, Z. W., Sun,W. D. Ore-fluid geochemistry and metallogeny of the Dunde iron–zincdeposit in western Tianshan, Xinjiang, China: Evidence from fluid inclusions,REE and C–O–Sr isotopes of calcite. OreGeology Reviews,(2016). 待刊. 9. Deng, J.H., Yang, X.Y., Li, S., Gu, H.L., Mastoi, A.S., Sun, W.D. Partial melting ofsubducted paleo-Pacific plate during the early Cretaceous: Constraint fromadakitic rocks in the Shaxi porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Lower Yangtze River Belt. Lithos, 262(2016), 651-667. 10. Yao, J.M., Mathur, R., Sun,W.D., Song, W.L., Chen, H.Y., Mutti, L., Xiang, X.K., Luo, X.H.Fractionation of Cu and Mo isotopes caused by vapor-liquid partitioning,evidence from the Dahutang W-Cu-Mo ore field. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems., 17(2016), 1725-1739. 11. Zhu, H.L., Zhang, Z.F., Wang, G.Q., Liu, Y.F., Liu, F., Li, X., Sun, W.D. Calcium IsotopicFractionation during Ion-Exchange Column Chemistry and Thermal Ionisation MassSpectrometry (TIMS) Determination. Geostandardsand Geoanalytical Research, 40(2016), 185-194. 12. Gong, G.L., Zhou, J.B., Sun,W.D., Progress in Methodology of Low TemperatureThermochronometry. Acta GeologicaSinica (English Edition), 90.5 (2016), 1927-1928. 13. 谢建成,夏冬梅,方德,闫峻,杨晓勇,孙卫东,李全忠.皖南晚中生代花岗闪长岩地球化学:成岩成矿制约. 岩石学报,02(2016),439-455. 14. 丁兴,刘志锋,黄瑞芳,孙卫东,陈多福.大洋俯冲带的水岩作用——蛇纹石化. 工程研究-跨学科视野中的工程,03(2016),258-268.
2015年 15. Sun, W.D. Decratonic golddeposits: a new concept and new opportunities. National Science Review, 2(2015a), 248-249. 16. Sun, W.D., Ding, X., Ling, M.X.,Zartman, R.E., Yang, X.Y. Subduction and ore deposits. International Geology Review, 57.9-10 (2015b): iii-vi. 17. Sun, W.D., Huang, R.F., Li, H., Hu, Y.B.,Zhang, C.C., Sun, S.J., Zhang, L.P., Ding, X., Li, C.Y., Zartman, R.E., Ling,M.X. Porphyry deposits and oxidized magmas. Ore Geology Reviews, 65(2015c), 97-131. 18. Sun, W.D. The Taylor Moon. Acta Geochimica, (2015d). DOI 10.1007/s11631-015-0083-1. 19. Hu, Y.B., Liu, J.Q., Ling, M.X., Ding, W., Liu, Y., Zartman, R.E.,Ma, X.F., Liu, D.Y., Zhang, C.C., Sun, S.J., Zhang, L.P., Wu, K., Sun, W.D. The formation ofQulong adakites and their relationship with porphyry copper deposit:Geochemical constraints. Lithos, 220(2015),60-80.(通讯作者) 20. Mi, M., Li, C.Y., Sun,W.D. Qian'echong low-F porphyry Mo deposits in the Dabie Mountains,central China. Lithos, 239(2015),157-169. (通讯作者) 21. Li, S., Yang, X.Y., Sun,W.D.The Lamandau IOCG deposit, southwestern Kalimantan Island,Indonesia: Evidence for its formation from geochronology, mineralogy, andpetrogenesis of igneous host rocks. Ore Geology Reviews, 68(2015), 43-58. (通讯作者) 22. Liu, J.F., Li, C., Sun, Y.,Sun, W.D. Melt percolation in the Songshugou ultramafic massifof the Qinling orogenic belt, Central China. International Geology Review 57(2015), 1326-1339. (通讯作者) 23. Sun, S.J., Sun, W.D.,Zhang, L.P., Zhang, R.Q., Li, C.Y., Zhang, H., Hu, Y.B., Zhang, Z.R. ZirconU-Pb ages and geochemical characteristics of granitoids in Nagqu area, Tibet. Lithos, 231(2015), 92-102. (通讯作者) 24. Bao, Z.W., Wang, C.Y., Zeng, L.J., Sun, W.D., Yao, J.M. Slab break-off model for the Triassicsyn-collisional granites in the Qinling orogenic belt, Central China: ZirconU-Pb age and Hf isotope constraints. InternationalGeology Review ,57( 2015), 492-507. 25. Ding, X., Sun, W.D.,Chen, W.F., Chen, P.R., Sun, T., Sun, S.J., Lin, C.T., Chen, F.K. MultipleMesozoic magma processes formed the 240-185 Ma composite Weishan pluton, SouthChina: evidence from geochronology, geochemistry, and Sr-Nd isotopes. International Geology Review, 579(2015), 1189-1217. 26. Liu, L., Yang, X.Y., Santosh, M., Aulbach, S., Zhou, H.Y., Geng,J.Z., Sun, W.D.Neoproterozoic intraplate crustal accretion on the northern margin of theYangtze Block: Evidence from geochemistry, zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating and Hfisotopes from the Fuchashan Complex. PrecambrianResearch, 268(2015), 97-114. 27. Sun, P.F., Deng, B.A., Du, G.H., Li, H., Sun, W.D., Ren, J.B., Xiao, T.Q. Nondestructive rare earthelement imaging of fish teeth from deep-sea sediments. X-Ray Spectrom, 44(2015), 442-446. 28. Gong, G.L.,Sun, W.D.,Xu, H.Y. Thermoluminescence signal in K-feldspar grains: Revisited. Applied Radiation and Isotopes,105(2015), 80-87. 29. Sun, Y.L., Ren, M.H., Xia, X.P., Li, C.Y., Sun, W.D.Determination of Os byisotope dilution-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry with thecombination of laser ablation to introduce chemically separated geologicalsamples. Spectrochim Acta B,113(2015), 22-29. 30. Huang,R.F., Sun, W.D., Ding, X.,Liu, J.Z., Peng, S.B. Olivine versus peridotite during serpentinization: Gasformation. Science China Earth Science,58( 2015), 2165-2174. (通讯作者) 黄瑞芳,孙卫东,丁兴,刘金钟,彭少邦. 橄榄石和橄榄岩蛇纹石化过程中气体形成的对比研究. 中国科学:地球科学, 01(2016),97-106. (通讯作者) 31. Li,X.H., Liu, X.M., Liu, Y.S., Su, L., Sun,W.D., Huang, H.Q., Yi, K. Accuracy of LA-ICPMSzircon U-Pb age determination: An inter-laboratory comparison. Science China Earth Science, 58(2015),1722-1730. 李献华,柳小明,刘勇胜,苏犁,孙卫东,HUANGHuiQing,YI Keewook. LA-ICPMS锆石U-Pb定年的准确度:多实验室对比分析. 中国科学:地球科学,09(2015),1294-1303. 32. 孙卫东,李聪颖,凌明星,丁兴,杨晓勇,梁华英,张红,范蔚茗. 钼的地球化学性质与成矿.岩石学报, 07(2015),1807-1817. 33. 黄瑞芳,孙卫东,丁兴,刘吉强,詹文欢. 橄榄岩蛇纹石化过程中氢气和烷烃的形成. 岩石学报, 07(2015a),1901-1907. (通讯作者) 34. 黄瑞芳,孙卫东,丁兴,王玉荣,詹文欢. 蛇纹石化过程中铁活动性的高温高压实验研究. 岩石学报, 03(2015b),883-890. (通讯作者) 35. 孙赛军,张丽鹏,丁兴,孙卫东,张兆荣. 西藏那曲中酸性火山岩的锆石U-Pb年龄、Hf同位素和地球化学特征及岩石成因. 岩石学报, 07(2015),2063-2077. (通讯作者) 36. 祝红丽,杨晓勇,孙卫东.皖南祁门三堡地区花岗闪长斑岩的成因:地球化学、年代学和Hf同位素特征制约. 岩石学报, 07(2015),1917-1928. (通讯作者) 37. 詹美珍,孙卫东,凌明星,李贺. 黄岩海山链俯冲与吕宋岛斑岩铜金成矿. 岩石学报, 07(2015),2101-2114. 38. 张红,陈丹玲,翟明国,张复新,宫相宽,孙卫东.南秦岭桂林沟斑岩型钼矿Re-Os同位素年代学及其构造意义研究. 岩石学报, 07(2015),2023-2037. 39. 何俊杰,丁兴,王玉荣,孙卫东.沉淀-陈化-返溶作用和压力对热液中氟钛络合物高温水解的影响及地质意义. 岩石学报, 07(2015),1870-1878. 40. 何俊杰,丁兴,王玉荣,孙卫东,傅斌. 温度、浓度对流体中氟钛络合物水解的影响:对深部地质过程中钛元素活动的制约. 岩石学报, 03(2015),802-810. 41. 胡永斌,刘吉强,胡敬仁,丁兴,孙卫东,刘焰,凌明星.西藏邦铺钼铜多金属矿床含矿斑岩的地球化学:对成岩源区与成矿机制的启示. 岩石学报, 07(2015),2038-2052. 42. 段留安,古黄玲,杨晓勇,严志忠,孙卫东.长江中下游贵池李湾铜多金属矿区岩浆岩年代学及Hf同位素地球化学研究. 岩石学报, 07(2015),1943-1961. 43. 刘军锋,李超,李贺,孙卫东,汪方跃. 四会岩体:一个潜在的含钼铜矿化岩体. 岩石学报, 03(2015),791-801. 44. 孙卫东,丁兴, 凌明星, 李贺, 李聪颖, 周继彬, 杨晓勇, 王光杰, 2015a. 西太平洋板块俯冲与中国东部晚中生代成岩成矿. 科学出版社, 北京. 45. 孙卫东,李贺, 丁兴, 凌明星, 李聪颖, 2015b. “ 俯冲工场” 研究进展. 科学出版社, 北京. 2014年 46. Sun, W.D., Teng, F.-Z., Niu, Y.-L., Tatsumi, Y., Yang, X.-Y., Ling,M.-X. The Subduction Factory: Geochemical perspectives. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 143(2014a), 1-7. 47. Sun, W.D., Huang, R.F., Liang, H.Y., Ling, M.X., Li, C.Y., Ding, X.,Zhang, H., Yang, X.Y., Ireland, T., Fan, W.M. Magnetite-hematite, oxygenfugacity, adakite and porphyry copper deposits: Reply to Richards. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta,126(2014b), 646-649. 48. Sun, W.D., Zhang, C.C., Liang, H.Y., Ling, M.X., Li, C.Y., Ding, X.,Zhang, H., Yang, X.Y., Ireland, T., Fan, W.M. The genetic association betweenmagnetite-hematite and porphyry copper deposits: Reply to Pokrovski. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta,126(2014c), 639-642. 49. Li, H., Ling, M.X., Ding, X., Zhang, H., Li, C.Y., Liu, D.Y., Sun, W.D. The geochemicalcharacteristics of Haiyang A-type granite complex in Shandong, eastern China. Lithos, 200(2014a), 142-156. (通讯作者) 50. Li, S., Yang, X.Y., Huang, Y., Sun, W.D. Petrogenesis and mineralization of theFenghuangshan skarn Cu-Au deposit, Tongling ore cluster field, Lower Yangtzemetallogenic belt. Ore Geology Reviews, 58(2014), 148-162.(通讯作者) 51. Ling, M.X., Liu, Y., Zhang, H., Sun, W.D. Sample Preparation and X-Ray Fluorescence Analysisof Sulfide Ores. Analytical Letters,47(2014a), 1598-1605. (通讯作者) 52. Ling, M.X., Zhang, H., Li, H., Liu, Y.L., Liu, J., Li,L.Q., Li, C.Y., Yang, X.Y., Sun, W.D.The Permian-Triassic granitoids in Bayan Obo, North China Craton: A geochemicaland geochronological study. Lithos,190(2014b), 430-439. (通讯作者) 53. Liu, Y., Zhang, Z.F., Peng, Z.C., Ling, M.X., Shen, C.C.,Liu, W.G., Sun, X.C., Shen, C.D., Liu, K.X., Sun, W.D. Mysterious abrupt carbon-14 increase in coralcontributed by a comet. Scientificreports, 4(2014c). (通讯作者) 54. Zhang, H., Li, C.Y., Yang, X.Y., Sun, Y.L., Deng, J.H.,Liang, H.Y., Wang, R.L., Wang, B.H., Wang, Y.X., Sun, W.D. Shapinggou: the largest Climax-type porphyry Modeposit in China. International GeologyReview, 56(2014), 313-331.(通讯作者) 55. Bao, Z.W., Sun, W.D.,Li, C.J., Zhao, Z.H. U-Pb dating of hydrothermal zircon from the Dongping golddeposit in North China: Constraints on the mineralization processes. Ore Geology Review, 61(2014), 107-119. 56. Hu, Z.L., Yang, X.Y., Duan, L.V., Sun, W.D. Geochronological and geochemical constraints on genesisof the adakitic rocks in Outang, South Tan-Lu Fault Belt (Northeastern YangtzeBlock). Tectonophysics, 626(2014),86-104. 57. Liang, J.L., Sun, W.D.,Zhu, S.Y., Li, H., Liu, Y.L., Zhai, W. Mineralogical study of sediment-hostedgold deposits in the Yangshan ore field, Western Qinling Orogen, Central China.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,85(2014), 40-52. 58. Liu, C.Z., Wu, F.Y., Chung, S.L., Li, Q.L., Sun, W.D., Ji, W.Q. A 'hidden' O-18-enriched reservoir inthe sub-arc mantle. Scientific reports,4 (2014a). 59. Liu, X.C., Xiong, X.L., Audetat, A., Li, Y., Song, M.S., Li, L., Sun, W.D., Ding, X. 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2013年 67. Sun, W.D., Liang, H.Y., Ling,M.X., Zhan, M.Z., Ding, X., Zhang, H., Yang, X.Y., Li, Y.L., Ireland, T.R.,Wei, Q.R., Fan, W.M. The link between reduced porphyry copper deposits andoxidized magmas. Geochimica EtCosmochimica Acta 103(2013a), 263-275. 68. Sun, W.D., Li, S., Yang, X.Y., Ling, M.X., Ding, X., Duan, L.A.,Zhan, M.Z., Zhang, H., Fan, W.M. Large-scale gold mineralization in easternChina induced by an Early Cretaceous clockwise change in Pacific plate motions.International Geology Review,55(2013b), 311-321. 69. Yang, W. B., Niu, H. C., Sun,W.D., Shan, Q., Zheng, Y. F., Li, N. B., Li, C. Y., Arndt, N.T., Xu,X., Jiang, Y. H., Yu, X. Y. Isotopic evidence for continental ice sheet inmid-latitude region in the supergreenhouse Early Cretaceous. Scientific reports 3( 2013).10.1038/srep02732 (通讯作者) 70. Ling, M.X., Liu, Y.L., Williams, I.S., Teng, F.Z., Yang, X.Y.,Ding, X., Wei, G.J., Xie, L.H., Deng, W.F.,Sun, W.D. Formation of the world's largest REE deposit throughprotracted fluxing of carbonatite by subduction-derived fluids. Scientific reports 3( 2013). Doi10.1038/Srep01776. (通讯作者) 71. Ding, X., Hu, Y.H., Zhang, H., Li,C.Y., Ling, M.X., Sun, W.D.Major Nb/Ta Fractionation Recorded in Garnet Amphibolite Facies Metagabbro. Journal of Geology, 121(2013), 255-274.(通讯作者) 72. Liang, J.L.,Sun,W.D., Li, Y.L., Zhu, S.Y., Li, H., Liu, Y.L., Zhai, W. An XPS study onthe valence states of arsenic in arsenian pyrite: Implications for Audeposition mechanism of the Yang-shan Carlin-type gold deposit, western Qinlingbelt. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,62(2013), 363-372. (通讯作者) 73. Ling, M.X., Li, Y., Ding, X., Teng, F.Z., Yang, X.Y., Fan, W.M.,Xu, Y.G., Sun, W.D.Destruction of the North China Craton Induced by Ridge Subductions. Journal of Geology, 121(2013a),197-213. (通讯作者) 74. Xie, J.C., Sun, W.D.,Du, J.G., Xu, W., Wu, L.B., Yang, X.Y., Zhou, T.F. Geochemical studies onPermian manganese deposits in Guichi, eastern China: Implications for theirorigin and formative environments. Journalof Asian Earth Sciences, 74(2013), 155-166. (通讯作者) 75. Zhang, H., Ling, M.X., Liu, Y.L., Tu, X.L., Wang, F.Y., Li, C.Y.,Liang, H.Y., Yang, X.Y., Arndt, N.T., Sun,W.D. High Oxygen Fugacity and Slab Melting Linked to Cu Mineralization:Evidence from Dexing Porphyry Copper Deposits, Southeastern China. Journal of Geology, 121(2013), 289-305. (通讯作者) 76. Gong, G.L., Zhou, J.B.,Sun,W.D., Xu, H.Y., Yang, K.M. A Novel Mass Spectrometry System forHelium-4 Measurement. Journal of EarthScience, 24(2013), 663-666.
2012年 77. Sun, W. D., Yang, X.Y., Fan, W. M., Wu, F. Y. Mesozoic large scalemagmatism and mineralization in South China: Preface. Lithos, 150 (2012a), 1-5. 78. Sun, W. D., Ling, M. X., Chung, S. L., Ding,X., Yang, X. Y., Liang, H. Y., Fan, W. M., Goldfarb, R., Yin, Q. Z. GeochemicalConstraints on Adakites of Different Origins and Copper Mineralization. Journal of Geology, 120 (2012b),105-120. 79. Sun, W. D., Ling, M. X., Ding, X., Chung, S.L., Yang, X. Y., Fan, W. M. The genetic association of adakites and Cu-Au oredeposits': a reply. InternationalGeology Review, 54 (2012c), 370-372. 80. Li, C. Y., Wang, F. Y., Hao, X. L., Ding, X., Zhang, H., Ling, M.X., Zhou, J. B., Li, Y. L., Fan, W. M., Sun, W. D. Formation ofthe world's largest molybdenum metallogenic belt: a plate-tectonic perspectiveon the Qinling molybdenum deposits. InternationalGeology Review, 54 (2012), 1093-1112. (通讯作者) 81. Li, C. Y., Zhang, H., Wang, F. Y., Liu, J. Q., Sun, Y. L.,Hao, X. L., Li, Y. L., Sun, W. D. 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L., Liu, L., Sun, Y.,Sun, W. D., Zhu, X.H., Liu, X. M., Guo, C. L. Felsic veins within UHP eclogite at xitieshan inNorth Qaidam, NW China: Partial melting during exhumation. Lithos, 136 (2012), 187-200. 90. Deng, J. H., Yang, X. Y., Sun, W. D., Huang,Y., Chi, Y. Y., Yu, L. F., Zhang, Q. M. Petrology, geochemistry, and tectonicsignificance of Mesozoic shoshonitic volcanic rocks, Luzong volcanic basin,eastern China. International GeologyReview, 54 (2012), 714-736. 91. Lai, X. D., Yang, X. Y., Sun, W. D. Geochemicalconstraints on genesis of dolomite marble in the Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe deposit, InnerMongolia: Implications for REE mineralization. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 57 (2012), 90-102. 92. Wang, Q., Chung, S. L., Li, X. H., Wyman, D., Li, Z. X., Sun,W. D., Qiu, H. N. Liu, Y. S., Zhu, Y. T. Crustal melting andflow beneath Northern Tibet: evidence from Mid-Miocene to Quaternary stronglyperaluminous rhyolites in the Southern Kunlun Range. 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(通讯作者) 96. 马秀峰, 张兆峰, 严爽, 韦刚健, 邓文峰, 孙卫东. 耦合同位素简介. 地球环境学报, 3(4) (2012), 950-959. 97. 丁兴, 孙卫东, 汪方跃, 陈林丽, 李秋立, 陈福坤.湖南沩山岩体多期云母的Rb-Sr同位素年龄和矿物化学组成及其成岩成矿指示意义. 岩石学报, 28(12) (2012), 3823-3840. 98. 谢建成, 陈思, 荣伟, 李全忠, 杨晓勇, 孙卫东. 安徽牯牛降A型花岗岩的年代学、地球化学和构造意义. 岩石学报, 28(12) (2012), 4007-4020. 99. 李双, 杨晓勇, 孙卫东. 皖南歙县邓家坞钼矿床年代学及Hf同位素地球化学研究. 岩石学报, 28(12) (2012), 3980-3992. 100. 杨晓勇, 王波华, 杜贞保, 王启才, 王玉贤, 涂政标, 张文利, 孙卫东. 论华北克拉通南缘霍邱群变质作用、形成时代及霍邱BIF铁矿成矿机制. 岩石学报, 28(11) (2012),3476-3496. 101. 谢建成, 陈思, 孙卫东, 杨晓勇. 安徽铜陵早白垩世埃达克质岩地球化学:成岩成矿制约. 岩石学报, 28(10) (2012),3181-3196. 102. 段留安, 杨晓勇, 汪方跃, 邓江洪, 孙卫东. 长江中下游成矿带贵池抛刀岭金矿含矿岩体年代学及地球化学研究. 岩石学报, 28(10) (2012),3241-3254. 103. 赖小东, 杨晓勇, 孙卫东, 曹晓生. 铜陵舒家店岩体年代学、岩石地球化学特征及成矿意义. 地质学报, 3 (2012), 470-485. 104. 赵乘乘, 杨晓勇, 冯敏, 孙卫东, 洪长春, 孙健, 胡俊杰, 唐树平. 铜官山岩体矿物学—矿物化学特征:岩浆结晶动力学意义. 地质学报, 11 (2012),1748-1760. 105. 谢建成, 杨晓勇, 肖益林, 杜建国, 孙卫东. 铜陵矿集区中生代侵入岩成因及成矿意义. 地质学报, 86(30) (2012),423-459. 106. 段留安, 杨晓勇, 孙卫东, 孙健, 洪长春, 胡俊杰. 安徽滁县琅琊山一带燕山期岩浆岩成因及区域找矿方向. 大地构造与成矿学, 2 (2012), 259-273.
2011年 107. Sun, W. D., Zhang, H., Ling, M.X., Ding, X., Chung, S. L., Zhou, J. B., Yang, X. Y., Fan, W. M. The geneticassociation of adakites and Cu-Au ore deposits. International Geology Review, 53(5-6) (2011a), 691-703. 108. Sun, W. D., Ding, X., Hu, Y. H., Zartman, R. E., Arculus, R. J.,Kamenetsky, V. S., Chen, M. The fate of subducted oceanic crust: a mineralsegregation model. International GeologyReview, 53 (2011b), 879-893. 109. Wang, F.Y., Li, C. Y.,Ling, M. X., Zhang, H., Sun, Y. L., Sun, W. D. Geochronology ofthe Xihuashan Tungsten Deposit in Southeastern China: Constraints from Re-Osand U-Pb Dating. Resource Geology,61(4) (2011), 414-423.(通讯作者) 110. Wang, F.Y., Ling, M.X., Ding, X., Hu, Y. H., Zhou, J. B., Yang, X. Y., Liang, H. Y., Fan, W. M., Sun,W. D. Mesozoic large magmatic events and mineralization in SE China:oblique subduction of the Pacific plate. InternationalGeology Review, 53(5-6) (2011), 704-726.(通讯作者) 111. Ling, M. X., Wang, F.Y., Ding, X., Zhou, J. B., Sun, W. D.Different origins of adakites from the Dabie Mountains and the Lower YangtzeRiver Belt, eastern China: geochemical constraints. International Geology Review, 53(5-6) (2011), 727-740.(通讯作者) 112. Li, H., Zhang, H.,Ling, M. X., Wang, F. Y., Ding, X., Zhou, J. B., Yang, X. Y., Tu, X. L., Sun,W. D. Geochemical and zircon U-Pb study of the Huangmeijian A-type granite:implications for geological evolution of the Lower Yangtze River belt. International Geology Review, 53(5-6)(2011), 499-525.(通讯作者) 113. Li, X. M., Yang, X. Y., Xia, B., Gong, G. L., Shan, Y. H., Zeng,Q. S., Li, W., Sun, W. D. Exhumation of the Dahinggan Mountains,NE China from the Late Mesozoic to the Cenozoic: New evidence fromfission-track thermochronology. Journalof Asian Earth Sciences, 42(1-2) (2011), 123-133. 114. Ling, M. X., Sedaghatpour, F., Teng, F. Z., Hays, P. D., Strauss,J., Sun, W. D. Homogeneousmagnesium isotopic composition of seawater: an excellent geostandard for Mgisotope analysis. Rapid Communicationsin Mass Spectrometry, 25(19) (2011), 2828-2836. 115. Hu, M. Y., Fan, X. T., Stoll, B., Kuzmin, D., Liu, Y., Liu, Y. S.,Sun, W. D., Wang, G., Zhan, X. C., Jochum, K. P. PreliminaryCharacterisation of New Reference Materials for Microanalysis: ChineseGeological Standard Glasses CGSG-1, CGSG-2, CGSG-4 and CGSG-5. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research,35(2) (2011), 235-251. 116. Liu, Y., Peng, Z. C., Wei, G. J., Chen, T. G., Sun, W. D.,He, J. F., Liu, G. J., Chou, C. L. Shen, C. C. Interannual variation of rareearth element abundances in corals from northern coast of the South China Seaand its relation with sea-level change and human activities. Marine Environmental Research, 71(1)(2011), 62-69. 117. Xiong, X. L., Keppler, H., Audetat, A., Ni, H. W., Sun, W.D., Li, Y. A. Partitioning of Nb and Ta between rutile and felsic meltand the fractionation of Nb/Ta during partial melting of hydrous metabasalt. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 75(7)(2011), 1673-1692. 118. Yang, X. Y., Sun, W. D.,Zhou, T. F., Deng, J. The Middle-Lower Yangtze Metallogenic Belt. International Geology Review, 53(2011), 447-448. 119. Yu, J., Fu, Y., Li, Y., Han, G., Wang, Y., Zhou, D., Sun, W.D., Gao, Y., Meixner, F. X. Effects of water discharge and sedimentload on Evolution of modern Yellow River Delta, China, over the period from1976 to 2009. Biogeosciences, 8(9)(2011), 2427-2435. 120. Sun, X. M., Xu, L., Sun,W. D., Zhai, W., Liang, Y. H., Tang, Q., Liang, J. L., Zhang, Z. M.,Shen, K., Wang, F. Y., Ling, M. X., Zartman, R. E. Channelized fluids insubducted continental crust: constraints from delta D-delta(18)O of quartz andfluid inclusions in quartz veins from the Chinese Continental ScientificDrilling Project. International GeologyReview, 53 (2011), 1443-1463. 121. Wang, T. G., Ni, P., Sun, W. D., Zhao, K. D., Wang,X. D. Zircon U-Pb ages of granites at Changba and Huangzhuguan in westernQinling and implications for source nature. Chinese Science Bulletin, 56(7) (2011), 659-669. 王天刚, 倪培, 孙卫东, 赵葵东, 王旭东. 西秦岭勉略带北部黄渚关和厂坝花岗岩锆石U-Pb年龄及源区性质. 科学通报, 55(36) (2010),3493-3505. 122. 涂湘林, 张红, 邓文峰, 梁华英, 刘颖,孙卫东. RESOlution激光剥蚀系统在微量元素原位微区分析中的应用. 地球化学, 40(1) (2011), 83-98. (通讯作者) 123. 张红, 孙卫东, 杨晓勇, 梁华英, 王波华, 王瑞龙, 王玉贤. 大别造山带沙坪沟特大型斑岩钼矿床年代学及成矿机理研究. 地质学报, 12 (2011),2039-2059. 124. 段留安, 杨晓勇, 孙卫东, 方世明, 余良范, 范增平. 皖南天井山金矿床地质—地球化学特征及找矿前景. 地质学报, 6 (2011), 965-978. 125. 刘健, 李印, 凌明星, 孙卫东. 白云鄂博矿床基底岩石的年代学研究及其地质意义. 地球化学, 40(3) (2011), 209-222.
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2009年 140. Ding, X., Lundstrom, C., Huang, F., Li, J., Zhang, Z. M., Sun, X. M.,Liang, J. L., Sun, W. D.Natural and experimental constraints on formation of the continental crustbased on niobium-tantalum fractionation. InternationalGeology Review, 51 (2009), 473-501. (通讯作者) 141. Ling, M. X., Wang, F.Y., Ding, X., Hu, Y. H., Zhou, J. B., Zartman, R. E., Yang, X. Y., Sun, W. D. Cretaceous ridgesubduction along the Lower Yangtze River Belt, eastern China. Economic Geology. 104 (2009), 303-321. (通讯作者) 142. Yang, X. Y., Sun, W. D., Zhang, Y. X., Zheng,Y. F. Geochemical constraints on thegenesis of the Bayan Obo Fe-Nb-REE deposit in Inner Mongolia, China. GeochimicaEt Cosmochimica Acta, 73(5)(2009),1417-1435. (通讯作者) 143. Liang, H. Y., Sun, W. D., Su, W. C., Zartman,R. E. Porphyry Copper-Gold Mineralization at Yulong, China, Promoted byDecreasing Redox Potential during Magnetite Alteration. Economic Geology, 104 (2009), 587-596.(通讯作者) 144. Liu,J. F., Sun, Y., Lin, C. L., Sun, W.D. Theemplacement age of the Songshugou ultramafic massif in Qinling orogenic beltand implications. International Geological Review, 51 (2009), 58-76.(通讯作者) 145. Yang, X. Y., Ling, M.X., Sun, W. D., Lai X. D.,Liu, C. Y., Miao, J. Y. Sun., W. The genesis of sandstone-type uranium depositsin the Ordos Basin, northwestern China: Constraints provided by fluidinclusions and stable isotope. InternationalGeological Review, 51 (2009),422-455. (通讯作者) 146. Xie, J. C., Yang, X.Y.,Sun, W. D., Du, J. G., Xu,W., Wu, L. B., Wang, K. Y., Du, X. W. Geochronological and geochemical constraints on theformation of metal deposits in Tongling, middle Yangtze metallogenic belt. International Geological Review, 51(2009), 388-421.(通讯作者) 147. Liang, J. L., Ding,X., Sun, X. M., Zhang, Z. M., Zhang, H., Sun,W. D. Nb/Ta fractionation observed in eclogites from the ChineseContinental Scientific Drilling Project. ChemicalGeology, 268 (2009), 27-40. (通讯作者) 148. Liu, Y., Peng, Z. C., Liu, W. G.., Xiao, Y. K., Sun, W. D., He, J. F., Liu, G.J. Seawater pH change during Holocene recorded in boron isotopic compositionsof corals from the South China Sea. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 73(5)(2009), 1264-1272. 149. Xiong, X. L., Keppler, H., Audétat, A., Gudfinnsson, G., Sun,W. D., Song, M. S., Xiao, W. S., Li, Y. Experimental constraints onrutile saturation during partial melting of metabasalt at the amphibolite toeclogite transition, with applications to TTG genesis. American Mineralogist, 94 (2009), 1175–1186. 150. Sun, X. M., Xiong, D. X., Sun,W. D., Zhang, Y., Shi, G. Y., Zhai, W., Wang, S. W. Crust and mantlecontributions to the gold-forming process at the Daping deposit, Ailaoshan goldbelt, Yunnan, China. Ore Geology Review, 36 (2009), 235-249. 151. Zhai, W., Sun, X. M., Sun,W. D., Su, L. W., He, X. P., Wu, Y. L. Geology, geochemistry, andgenesis of Axi: a Paleozoic low-sulfidation type epithermal gold deposit inXinjiang, China. Ore Geology Review, 36 (2009), 265-281. 152. Zhang, L., Zhong, Z., Zhang, H., Sun, W., Xiang, H. The formation of foliated(garnet-bearing) granites in the Tongbai-Dabie orogenic belt: partial meltingof subducted continental crust during exhumation. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 27 (2009), 789-803. 153. Deng, W.F., Wei, G.J., Li, X.H., Yu, K.F., Zhao, J.X., Sun, W.D., Liu, Y.Paleoprecipitation record from coral Sr/Ca and δ18O during the mid Holocene inthe northern South China Sea. TheHolocene, 19(6) (2009), 811-821. 154. 刘健, 凌明星, 李印, 刘玉龙, 孙卫东. 白云鄂博超大型REE-Nb-Fe矿床的稀土成矿模式综述. 大地构造与成矿, 2(2009), 270-282. (通讯作者) 155. 胡艳华, 孙卫东, 丁兴, 汪方跃, 凌明星, 刘健. 奥陶纪-志留纪边界附近火山活动记录:来华南周缘钾质斑脱岩的信息. 岩石学报, 25(12) (2009a),3298-3308. (通讯作者) 156. 胡艳华, 刘健, 周明忠, 汪方跃, 丁兴, 凌明星, 孙卫东. 奥陶纪和志留纪钾质斑脱岩研究评述. 地球化学, 38(4) (2009b),390-401. (通讯作者) 157. 李印, 凌明星, 丁兴, 刘健, 韩峰, 孙卫东. 中国东部埃达克岩及成矿作用. 大地构造与成矿学, 33(3) (2009),448-464.(通讯作者) 158. 王宁, 沈承德, 丁平, 易惟熙, 孙卫东, 刘克新, 丁杏芳, 付东坡, 袁 洁. 核试验14C对生物圈的影响及其在法医学上的应用——确定不明身份死者的出生时间. 地球化学, 38(4) (2009), 384-389. 159. 刘军锋, 孙勇,孙卫东. 北秦岭拉鸡庙辉长岩体锆石LA-ICP-MS年代学研究. 岩石学报, 25(2) (2009),320-330. 160. 梁华英, 莫济海, 孙卫东, 张玉泉, 曾提, 胡光黔, Charllote Allen. 玉龙铜矿带马拉松多斑岩体岩石学及成岩成矿系统年代学分析. 岩石学报, 25(2) (2009),385-392. 161. 谢建成, 杨晓勇, 杜建国, 杜小伟, 肖益林, 屈文俊,孙卫东. 铜陵新桥Cu-S-Fe-Au矿床黄铁矿Re-Os定年及对成矿的指示意义. 地质科学, 44 (2009), 183-192. 162. 刘羿, 彭子成, 韦刚健, 陈特固, 孙卫东, 贺剑峰, 孙若愚, 刘桂建. 南海北部夏季沿岸上升流近百年的强度变化. 地球化学, 38(4)(2009), 314-319.
2008年 163. Sun,W. D., Hu, Y. H., Kamenetsky, V. S., Eggins, S. M.,Chen, M., Arculus, R. J. Constancy of Nb/U in the mantle revisited. Geochimica EtCosmochimica Acta, 72 (2008),3542-3549. 164. Liu, Y. L., Williams,I. S., Chen, J. F., Wan, Y. S., Sun,W. D. The significance of paleoproterozoic zircon in carbonatite dikesassociated with the bayan obo REE-Nb-Fe deposit. American Journal of Science, 308 (2008), 379-397. (通讯作者) 165. Liang, H. Y.,Campbell, I. H., Allen, C. A., Sun,W. D., Xie, Y. W., Zhang, Y. Q. The age of the potassic alkalineigneous rocks along the Ailao Shan-Red River shear zone: Implications for theonset age of left-lateral shearing: A reply. Journal of Geology,116 (2008), 205-207. 166. Liu, Y., Peng, Z. C., Chen, T. G., Wei, G. J., Sun, W. D., Sun, R. Y., He, J.F., Liu, G. J., Chou, C. L., Zartman, R. E. The decline of winter monsoonvelocity in the South China Sea through the 20th century: Evidence from theSr/Ca records in corals. Global andPlanetary Change, 63 (2008), 79-85. 167. Sun, X.M., Wang, S., Sun,W. D., Shi, G., Sun, Y., Xiong, D., Qu, W., Du, A. PGE geochemistry andRe-Os dating of massive sulfide ores from the Baimazhai Cu-Ni deposit, Yunnanprovince, China. Lithos, 105 (2008),12-24. 168. Yu, J. B., Meixner, F. X., Sun,W. D., Liang, Z. W., Chen, Y., Mamtimin, B., Wang, G. P., Sun, Z. G.Biogenic nitric oxide emission from saline sodic soils in a semiarid region,northeastern China: A laboratory study. Journalof Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 113 (2008), G04005. 169. Zhang, Z. M., Shen, K., Sun,W. D., Liu, Y. S., Liou, J. G., Shi, C., Wang, J. L. Fluids in deeplysubducted continental crust: Petrology, mineral chemistry and fluid inclusionof UHP metamorphic veins from the Sulu orogen, eastern China. Geochimica Et CosmochimicaActa, 72 (2008), 3200-3228. 170. Hu Y. H., Zhou, J. B.,Song, B., Li, W., Sun, W. D. SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating from K-bentonite in the top of Ordovician ofWangjiawan Section, Yichang, Hubei, China. Sciencein China (D), 51(4) (2008), 493-498. (通讯作者) 胡艳华, 周继彬, 宋彪, 李卫, 孙卫东.中国湖北宜昌王家湾剖面奥陶系顶部斑脱岩SHRIMP 锆石U-Pb 定年.中国科学D辑, 1 (2008), 72-77.(通讯作者) 171. Gong, G. L., Liu, S. S., Xia, B., Sun, W. D., Huang,B. L. Spectral study on feldspar thermoluminescence process. Science in China (G): Physics, Mechanicsand Astronomy, 51(3) (2008), 225-231. 龚革联, 刘顺生, 夏斌, 孙卫东, 黄宝林. 光谱方法研究长石的热释光过程. 中国科学(G辑),1 (2008), 102-107. 172. 孙卫东, 凌明星, 汪方跃, 丁兴, 胡艳华, 周继彬, 杨晓勇. 太平洋板块俯冲与中国东部中生代地质事件. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 27(3)(2008), 218-225. 173. 周滨, 汪方跃, 孙勇, 孙卫东, 丁兴, 胡艳华, 凌明星. 秦岭沙河湾造山带型环斑花岗岩地球化学及构造属性讨论. 岩石学报, 24 (2008), 1261-1272. (通讯作者) 174. 杨雪英, 孙卫东, 孙亚莉, 徐夕生. 苏北盘石山、练山地幔捕虏体的PGE地球化学.地球化学,3 (2008), 197-205.(通讯作者) 175. 梁华英, 莫济海, 孙卫东, 喻亨祥, 张玉泉, Charlotte Allen. 藏东玉龙超大型斑岩铜矿床成岩成矿系统时间跨度分析. 岩石学报,24(10) (2008a), 2352-2358. 176. 梁华英, 孙卫东, 莫济海, 胡光黔, 曾提, Charlotte M Allen. 粤中三水盆地构造-岩浆事件与矿集区形成. 中国地质, 35(6) (2008b), 1121-1128. 177. 谢建成, 杨晓勇, 杜建国, 孙卫东. 铜陵地区中生代侵入岩的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年代学及Cu-Au成矿指示意义. 岩石学报, 24 (2008),1782-1800. 178. 刘军锋, 孙卫东, 孙勇, 孙亚莉, 刘方杰. 东秦岭松树沟超镁铁岩体地球化学和铂族元素特征:对成因的指示. 地质论评,54(1) (2008a), 57-64. 179. 刘军锋, 孙勇, 冯涛, 胡艳华, 孙卫东. 北秦岭四方台基性-超基性杂岩的地球化学特征及其成因. 地球化学. 37(2) (2008b),174-186. 180. 莫济海, 梁华英, 喻亨祥, 陈勇, 孙卫东. 西藏冲木达铜-金(钼)矿床黑云角闪二长花岗岩锆石U-Pb年龄及其意义. 地球化学. 37(3) (2008),206-212. 181. 余良范,杨晓勇,孙卫东,池月余,张千明. 埃达克岩与皖中沙溪斑岩铜矿的成矿作用. 中国地质, 35 (6) (2008),1150-1161.
2007年 182. Sun, W. D., Binns, R. A., Fan, A. C., Kamenetsky, V. S., Wysoczanski,R., Wei, G.J., Hu, Y. H., Arculus, R. J. Chlorine in submarine volcanic glassesfrom the eastern Manus basin. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 71(6) (2007a), 1542-1552. 183. Sun, W. D., Ding, X., Hu, Y. H., Li, X. H. The golden transformationof the Cretaceous plate subduction in the west Pacific. Earth and PlanetaryScience Letters, 262(3-4) (2007b): 533-542. 184. Yu, J. B., Sun, W. D., Liu, J. S., Wang, J. D., Yang, J. S., Meixner,F. X. Enhanced net formations of nitrous oxide and methane underneath thefrozen soil in Sanjiang wetland, northeastern China. Journal ofGeophysical Research-Atmospheres,112(D7) (2007a): 000245727900002. 185. Yu, J.B., Liu, J.S., Wang, J.D., Sun, W.D., Patrick, W.H., Meixner, F.X. Nitrous oxideemission from Deyeuxia angustifolia freshwater marsh in northeast China. Environmental Management, 40 (2007b),613-622. 186. Sun, X. M., Tang, Q., Sun,W. D., Xu, L., Zhai, W., Liang, J. L., Liang, Y. H., Shen, K., Zhang,Z. M., Zhou, B., Wang, F. Y. Monazite, iron oxide and barite exsolutions inapatite aggregates from CCSD drillhole eclogites and their geologicalimplications. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 71(11) (2007), 2896-2905. 187. Liang, H. Y., Campbell, I. H., Allen, C. A., Sun, W. D., Xie, Y. W., Zhang, Y. Q. The age of the potassicalkaline igneous rocks along the Ailao Shan-Red River shear zone: Implicationsfor the onset age of left-lateral shearing. Journal of Geology, 115(2007), 231-242. 188. Wei, G. J., Deng, W. F., Yu, K. F., Li, X.H., Sun, W. D., Zhao,J. X. Seasurface temperature records in the northern South China Sea from mid-Holocenecoral Sr/Ca ratios. Paleoceanography, 22(3) (2007), ISI:000245727900002. 189. Zhou, B., Shen, C. D., Sun, W. D., Zheng, H. B.,Yang, Y., Sun, Y. B., An, Z. S. Elemental carbon record of paleofire history on theChinese Loess Plateau during the last 420 ka and its response to environmentaland climate changes. PalaeogeographyPalaeoclimatology Palaeoecology,252(3-4) (2007), 617-625. 190. Ma, J. L., Wei, G. H., Xu, Y. G., Long, W. G., Sun, W. D. Mobilization andre-distribution of major and trace elements during extreme weathering of basaltin Hainan Island, South China. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 71(2007), 3223-3237. 191. Yang, X.Y., Zheng, Y.F., Xiao,Y.L., Du, J.G. Sun, W.D.Ar-40/Ar-39 dating of the Shaxi Porphyry Cu-Au deposit in thesouthern Tan-Lu fault zone, Anhui Province. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition,81(3) (2007), 477-487. 192. 孙卫东, 胡艳华, 丁兴, 范安川, 梁华英. 汇聚板块边缘岩浆中金属和氯的地球化学性质研究. 地学前缘, 14(2) (2007), 139-148. 193. 孙卫东, 胡艳华, 范安川, 丁兴, 梁华英. 氯在岩浆演化过程中的地球化学性质初探. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 26(2) (2007), 105-110. 194. 谢智, 陈江峰, 孙卫东, 杜安道. 河北高寺台超镁铁岩体中锇矿物的锇同位素组成初步研究. 中国科学技术大学学报, 37(8) (2007), 974-978.
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